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ROGUEWEATHER is lovingly dedicated to the memory of Leon Hunsaker. He was the one who ignited the flame of passion in me to do weather forecasting. And he was the light to shine the way. This is going to be a part of his lasting legacy. Rest in sweet peace Leon. Until we meet again.
We are follower supported. We exist now because of support of those who appreciate what we do.
If you want to help us out with a donation to make sure you will always have a source you can rely on, please donate by clicking on the logos you see below. We do not have jobs. Rogueweather is what we do.
Providing you with one stop, one click access to weather forecasts, road condition reports, and outdoor recreation information. Rogueweather is the #1 source of accurate, reliable information on wildland fires in Southern Oregon and Northern California. Our goal is to inform, educate, and to entertain.
RogueWeather.com is based in Medford, Oregon. Greg Roberts is the forecaster. Greg has 40 years of weather forecasting experience, specializing in severe weather events. Greg has received training from a variety of sources, including the University of Oklahoma, and the National Weather Service. Greg continues to volunteer as a Skywarn weather observer for the National Weather Service. This has led to many hours out in the field storm chasing and getting up close with the storms he loves.
Greg also served as a wildland and municipal fire fighter and EMT for almost 20 years in Central and Southern Oregon. While a fire fighter he earned many certifications including Engine Company Officer for municipal departments, and many leadership certifications including Incident Commander for wildland fires. He earned certification from the state of Oregon as an Urban Interface Fire Specialist. His weather knowledge was useful on wildland fires he worked in Oregon and Northern California. Greg still consults with fire departments, and also private wildland fire fighting companies. He holds certifications in a number of Search and Rescue classifications. He consults with elected officials in Oregon and California with his knowledge on wildland fires and other natural resource issues.
Greg was a charter member of, and Past Chair of the Jackson County Oregon Wolf Committee. This is a citizens advisory committee that helps Jackson County administer a program to compensate livestock owners for losses due to wolf predation, and to help Wildlife Services secure funding to resolve conflicts with wolves.
His love of the outdoors and outdoor recreation has been a big part of his life since he was just a toddler. He is an avid outdoorsman with a keen knowledge of the world around us. He enjoys camping, hiking, fishing, hunting......and outings looking for Bigfoot and wolves. Greg has worked in the world of outdoor recreation including for Jackson County Parks, and also for Mt. Bachelor Ski Area in Central Oregon. He is a former ski racer and raced throughout the Western US and Canada competing in slalom, giant slalom, and super giant slalom.
Thank you for visiting Rogueweather.com. You are going to find a lot of useful information here and we hope you return frequently as the information on here is updated daily.
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